__hER lUrVes.]]*
__hER dReaDs.]]*
__hER Cravings]]*
.mY sWeeTIe KiTTy cAt aka BaBy
.mY eVer-SuPpOrTivE & cArInG FamILy
.pEoPLe NaGGiNg @ Me
.iGnOrAnT bAsTuRdS & bItcHEs
.iNcOnSiDeRatE TuRtLes
.baCkstaBBer & BetraYers.
.tHe sImPlE tHiNgs in LiFe
.a dRiViNg LiceNsE
.a CaR!
.nO mOrE sHEddInG oF TeaRs
.F0rever wiF mY cl0se friEnds and FamiLy
.wAtEvEr mY LoVe OnEs nEEDs/WanTs
.nEw cLothEs + aCcEsSoRIes
.nEw WaLLeT
Haiz... so many things to think abt.. so many things to consider be4 speaking.. so many things that are so difficult to allow someone else to understand.. why? why is it so tough to make someone understand ur feelings? ur tots? haiz... everyday smile smile smile.. luff luff luff.. but m i realli that happy? i realli dunno sometimes.. y do the simplest problems end up being the most complicated ones..
Which route shud i take? whose advice to heed? where do i go from here? can i proceed further? or m i juz stucked at where i am now?
Sigh.. how i wish i can juz do watever i deem fit.. without even taking others feelings into consideration.. i suppose life wud b much easier.. y m i given feelings? the ability to rationalise? to think? URGH!!! makes things so much more complicated...
It's not that i love making changes.. in fact, i hate changes.. changes that will affect mi in one way or another.. but do i haf a choice? we haf to make changes to improve our lives.. not all problems can be solved with 1 solution rite? every problem is different.. every human is different.. every relationship is different too.. we gotta make changes and adapt.. not stick to the old protocol~ haix.. someone shud juz write a book on survivor protocols.... think i'll buy it.. a dozen of them.. in case i misplace them..
After so long.. i realise i still treasure my freedom alot.. i get bored easily.. i haf a short attention span.. and the list goes on.. and this is ME. I wanna change.. Im trying.. but it's juz too slow.. it's so difficult.. yet i try.. anyone notice? i doubt so.. sigh.. im always the devil.. ppl arnd mi? forever angels..
*deep in tots.. wondering..*
Yox!! I'm back to post! Decided to start a new bloggie again.. hahax.. dunno how many blogs i have already.. =P
Anw, juz a simple update on me ba.. i'm doing fine.. definitely still alive and kicking.. Loving him... when i said him... i meant Daniel.. went thru lotsa ups and downs.. worse than a roller coaster ride.. haha.. still hating school.. currently on attachment at NUS, dept of Physiology.. kinda fun.. but i hate waking up earli still.. so anyone who's nearby, juz give mi a call la.. then can haf lunchie together.. lolx.
Dunno what else to type now.. juz finish doing up this bloggie abit.. so brain abit drained.. will try to update daily la.. provided there's things to post lo.. heex..